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Saturday, October 09, 2010

Newt Gingrich and the Republican Anti-Poor Agenda: Just Say No to More Food Stamps - DailyFinance

"More food stamps? Or more paychecks?" Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, one of the Republican Party's best rabble rousers, suggests that's how the GOP should couch the national policy debate in the final four weeks before this November's midterm elections.
According to news website Politico, Gingrich sent a memo to GOP candidates Tuesday suggesting that they frame the election as a "vivid contrast" between the policies of food stamps vs. jobs. In the memo, he links to this recent news of the record 41.3 million Americans receiving federal food aid, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
The Republicans should craft a "closing argument" this way, writes Gingrich: "This year, the House Republican's Pledge to America has set the stage for a powerful, symbolic closing argument for candidates seeking to unseat the left-wing, big spending, job killing Democrats: paychecks versus food stamps."
And so one of the party's loudest voices creates a new Republican agenda: demonizing the poor.
Gingrich is a despicable man. his politics like his personal behavior are not based in ignorance. No he knows better. His policies are based upon his lack of a moral center in his life. He will do anything, say anything to get ahead. Remember this is a man who divorced his wife while she was dying of cancer. Do not take anything this man say seriously.
John H. Armwood

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