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Monday, October 18, 2010

Democrats Hoping Black Voters Come to the Rescue - BV Black Spin

Democrats Hoping Black Voters Come to the Rescue - BV Black Spin
Democrats are relying heavily on black voters to keep them from hemorrhaging House and Senate seats in the mid-term elections and black voters should take this opportunity to seek a fully flushed out agenda from Washington.
The New York Times writes:
Without Mr. Obama atop the ticket this year......vulnerable Democrats, mostly in the rural South, face the challenge of reviving the spirit of 2008 for black voters without alienating right-leaning white majorities in their districts. The candidates' ability to walk that line may decide whether Democrats maintain control of the House of Representatives, and could affect several Senate contests and governor's races.
The Democrats confront multiple obstacles, but also enjoy several advantages. Working against them: turnout for midterm elections is often a third lower than in presidential years; some African-Americans are disillusioned with the pace of economic recovery; and several Democratic incumbents, including Mr. Kissell, who is white, have angered black constituents by opposing Mr. Obama on major initiatives like the health care law.

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