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Saturday, June 03, 2017

HBO under pressure to fire Bill Maher after he says N-word on TV show How can we blame Bill Maher for using the "N" word when Black entertainers use it constantly? Intent is what matters and clearly Maher was using the "N" word in the same way that many African Americans use it. | Television & radio | The Guardian

How can we blame Bill Maher for using the "N" word when Black entertainers use it constantly?  Intent is what matters and clearly Maher was using the "N" word in the same way that many African Americans use it.  He was using a metaphor popularized by Malcolm X who actually said "House Negro and Field Negro". There was no pejorative intent intended. I do not use the "N" word because I heard it at school and in my neighborhood all the time directed towards me. I know the difference between evil intent and a benign usage.   We have to stop being so sensitive.  This smacks of hypocrisy.
"Discussing his new book, Sasse told Maher he would be welcome in Nebraska as “we’d love to have you work in the fields with us”.
“Work in the fields?” Maher replied. “Senator, I’m a house nigger.”
The Real Time with Bill Maher audience laughed and groaned, with some applause. Sasse kept quiet, before Maher said: “No, it’s a joke.”
DeRay McKesson, a Black Lives Matter activist and former Baltimore mayoral candidate, led the criticism on social media. “Bill Maher has got to go,” he wrote. “There are no explanations that make this acceptable.”
HBO under pressure to fire Bill Maher after he says N-word on TV show | Television & radio | The Guardian: ""

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