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Monday, June 14, 2010

Have you seen a green elephant? Palin's "drill, baby, drill" chant has corrupted the modern GOP

Have you seen a green elephant? Palin's "drill, baby, drill" chant has corrupted the modern GOP

Stanley Crouch

Monday, June 14th 2010, 4:00 AM
'Drill, baby, drill" is not a dying bird in the Gulf of Mexico, but it should be. Those three words have become the albatross audibly hanging around the neck of the Republican Party. It should stay there until the party faces the fact that it has to become more than an unquestioning shill for big business, particularly big oil. Those words should be an epitaph for the old way of doing business, or always saying what the masters of profit tell a politician to say.

Only a fast moving case of heavy Alzheimer's could make us forget all of those elephants chanting the albatross at the national convention last year. There is also ample footage of Sarah Palin (above), the shrewd, cynical and demented cheerleader bringing audiences into the happy state of froth in which those three words gushed out over and over.

Palin and her partner in a goo of intellectual slime, Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann, have joined Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Fox News in the entertainment business of leading the public to believe that there is not now and has never been anything wrong with American business dealings, domestic or otherwise. More...

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