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Wednesday, May 06, 2015

How Jeb Bush Alienated African American Voters by Ending Affirmative Action | Mother Jones

"As he courts conservatives skeptical of his right-wing bona fides, Jeb Bush, an all-but-announced GOP presidential candidate, has cited one of his most controversial moves as Florida's governor to illustrate his record of standing firm on principle in the face of widespread opposition: his decision to unilaterally end affirmative action in Florida. "Trust me, there were a lot of people upset by this," he boasted to activists at the Conservative Political Action Conference earlier this year. But Bush's effort to dismantle affirmative action in state college admissions and government contracting and hiring—which the Sun Sentineldubbed the "most grievous blunder" of his tenure and a "prime example of Bush's shoot-first, take-no-advice method of governing"—illustrates more than his executive style. At a time when racial tensions from Baltimore to Ferguson, Missouri, are a national issue, Bush's fight against affirmative action, which led to a confrontation with the state's black community, remains a significant episode in his political history."

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