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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Social Science, Education and Frantz Fanon - Changing Times

I had a very satisfying moment today in a class on Terrorism Inwas teaching. The text book quoted the psychological theories of Frantz Fanon, a pschiatrist from Martinique, who studied the impact of colonialism and imperialism on colonized and oppressed people during the Algerian revolution of the 1950s.

My worst grade in college came from a political science professor who claimed that Fanon's theories were not legitimate critiques of the western democracies. The class was "Democracies and Their Critiques". I used Fanon's theories in my paper Inspite of my professors protest. I received for that paper the undeserved grade of "D", the lowest grade I ever received on any academic work in my life.

Now Fanon in accepted in main stream conservative textbooks as being legitimate. It is a good feeling to feel vindication after exactly forty years. This of course confirms the ontological reality that conservatives are always on the trailing tail of change and progress.

Fanon is most famous for his books "Black Skin White Masks" and "The Wretched. Of The Earth"

John H. Armwood

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